Saturday, 7 March 2015

Personal Project: making final film

Fashion film making final shoot:

There were some difficulties when filming the final film as the memory card in which I was using was faulty, which meant I had to film on a different night. This was frustrating as I am aware of the importance of timekeeping when filming and editing.  Throughout the process of my final film, I have made some changes. I recorded paint stripping into water and the colours represented my colour reference. My inspiration for dripping paint in water was a photographer by Mark Mawson. He also makes short films of ink disbursing into water that gives the effect of the ink dancing and performing in what looks like the open space. I want to take this idea of showing how paint can form and construct different motions through water and layers. My aim is for my print designs to give a visually exciting effect to my work.

On this occasion, the setting up was quite easy for the film. As I made a test shoot for my final film, it was somewhat easier to set up the film and I felt significantly more confident directing and filming the process. For this filming, I got my model (Molly) to wear white shorts with no logo because the Fred Perryskirt I was using had a logo on the front. The process of filming for the final film took quite a long time as I wanted everything to be perfect and ensure I had sufficient material to work with when editing.

I have decided to keep the music that I was using for the test shoot for the final film. I feel that the song Stella Maris matches perfectly to the mood of the film. For future film making, I will try and find a music artist or DJ to collaborate with.

The editing process of my final film was more complex as I decided to put my reference of colours and paint dripping into water as well as my designs. I used different techniques of fading in and out of movement clips and layering and mirroring. I have layered the paint in water with the film of my print designs fading into my reference colours to space out the film and to give the audience of my film time to look at each print. I think the fading in and out of different clips worked well in my film. However, this process added a significant time delay to the editing process overall as it took time to learn how to fade in and out of film clips.

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