Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Stop Motion animation

Stop Motion animation:

I want to start showing in my work how I can represent fairgrounds through drawings. I have created a stop motion animation and my inspiration was one of the headdresses at the pleasure Beach in Blackpool. I wanted to create stop motion animation to represent a development of the drawing that is suggestive of a show girl costume by using vibrant tones of colour, glitter and stars.

This is my first creation of the stop motion animation. I wanted to experiment with vibrant colour and almost create a still life performance by using just paint and glittery stars. 

Drawing to Music

Drawing to Music

In the past, I never thought that sound and music could be a large part of drawing and art. Through this lesson I found that there is a way of documenting music and sound through the expression of lines and drawing.
I wanted the lines of my drawing to express the rhythm of the music and if the music was fast and up tempo the lines in the drawing would be increasingly jagged and less orderly. If the music was slow and soft my lines would be straight and neat.  I chose to use different colours to show the difference of each music track.

My drawings were presented in a large scale as I wanted to express my whole body moving with the sound of the music and transferring that onto each piece I completed.