Monday, 25 November 2013

Evaluation of origins unit

This first unit has made me look at drawing in a different way and that it is not limited to just pencil and paper, that by using other objects such as recycled or found objects I was able to think in a different and creative way.  The differing architecture in the city inspired my chance cards. By looking at my chance card drawing and the samples of my work it has helped me to improve my work and develop my embroidery designs.

To develop my work further I look through my embroidery samples and select what I think has potential and evolve that using different compositions.
I have learnt through my work that I like to be very minimal and my lines in embroidery to be very precise to create composition. I have also learnt that when making a sampling of hand embroidery I like to use an embroidery ring I think of it like a canvas and it helps me to create tighter more detailed designs.

I have been able to use the different machine embroidery techniques such as the double needle which has given me a far greater appreciation of the varying scope of embroidery.
I used the initial instruction of keeping to minimal colours in all my work including my embroideries using only black, grey and white and this helped me concentrate on my technique and ideas rather than have to worry about the colour I would use.

 I feel that I could have organised my time better at the start of the project as I felt rushed at the end. I wasn’t sure what I was doing at the beginning but felt as I progressed I was able to manage my time better and utilise my workshop time well as I came to understand the project. I feel that I have used lateral thinking with my work. My sampling cards provided many instances of inspiration for my embroidery work that I was able to develop. My machine embroidery also helped me develop ideas for my hand embroidery.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Hand stitch Embroidery

French knot:
As it was Guy Fawkes Night I was inspired by the fireworks so by using only black and grey I wanted to create an exploding effect through this sample that represents fireworks.

For this hand stitch I wanted to create a detailed composition using line. I was inspired by one of my chance card drawing that was a sketch of a stone fence. I feel that this stitch was successful and it has potential to develop into a pattern.

I was inspired by one of my chance card drawings I drew a pattern on a piece of recycled newspaper.  I wanted to concentrate on the balance of the pattern and keep the lines very much similar to my drawing.

Machine Embriodery


Machine stitch

Machine sewing
I was inspired by my drawing on magazine from one of the chance cards for this piece. I concentrated on the texture and line.

Tailor taking and Hair pinning
I did this first sampling only using Hair pinning. I felt that the cream and white colouring didn’t offer enough contrast together, however, I did like the arrangement of the threads.  I felt that I had to create other tailor taking samples with hair pinning using colours such as blacks and greys but creating different patterns. I wanted to show in my work a clear net design that has potential to develop and progress through the different patterns that I have created.

For these three pieces I used a twin needle, I my drawing from the chance cards for inspiration. For these three pieces I concentrated on the line of which I was originally inspired by scaffolding from my drawing of the chance cards. The silk piece was difficult and quite a challenge to create but I felt that the line had to produce some detail of refinement.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Chance cards

Shadow drawings:
Side walk of a street in Manchester. I used basic sketching pencils and it was more important to express shadow in this piece for me.

Long drawing:

My eye was drawn to a tree and I thought if  I was to change the colors of the  tree would it make it look unusual and interesting. I find it stirring how the colors poor into each other.

Drawing on Magazine:

I wanted to show the contrast of shape by using one of my photographs of a window for inspiration and using a magazine I found to distort the image and create something new. 

Dust drawing:

I wanted to experiment with  distorted shape and texture in this piece. 

50x drawing:
I really like how this piece has developed. I used a photograph of railing that helped me for inspiration and making the image look different buy cutting it into little pieces and changing the direction of the shapes.

Transparent paper drawing:
By using one of my photos of a scaffolding building I developed it through different angles of the building using transparent paper.